Friday, February 25, 2022

S.O.A.P Studies with J

Hello Friends and welcome to S.O.A.P. Studies with J Today we will Reading out of Mathew chapter 5 verse 7

S Blessed are they that are pure in heart: for they shall see God

O We can observe that If we stay up to date with Jesus one day we will make it to Heaven

A We can apply this to our life by Reading our Bibles on a consistent basis and Only listening to music or shows that would please the Lord. We can apply also this to our life by Stay up to date on what the bible says and by spending time in the lord daily.

P Lord, Please help us to only focus our actions upon you and your glory so that one day we can see you

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

S.O.A.P Studies with J

 Hello Friends and welcome to S.O.A.P studies with J today we will be reading from Matthew 5:3

Scripture, observation, Application, Prayer

S Blessed are the poor in spirt: for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven

O the observation is that just because we aren't rich if we have Jesus we have everything we need

A We can apply this to our life by realizing that just because we don't have a ton of money if we only focus on Jesus we have every thing we need to have.

P Lord, God please help us to keep our eyes focused on you no matter the circumstances in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

S.O.A.P. Studies with J